Living the Grey’s Anatomy life

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A couple of weeks ago I spent a Monday at the General Hospital in Grenada (It’s the building in the picture above). Dr. Ameci, who I had been shadowing previously, worked at a private hospital in Grenada. Of course at the private hospital the standards are better, equipment is more professional and everything runs a bit more smoothly. Therefore I was curious to see what the public/general hospital was like. I was put in contact with a surgeon who worked at the General Hospital and was allowed to shadow him for a day.


Quite the view from the hospital! 

As I approached the hospital and stepped inside the reception area (at 7 am!!! Early start for surgeons!) I was a little bit confused whether this was a hospital or an abandoned building, haha. I’ve seen a lot of primitive and things in-not-so-great-state during my travels, but the General Hospital did initially give me a bit of a shock.

I met Dr. Campritus who I was shadowing for the day and I put my scrubs on and was ready to observe some surgeries! Everything around me was very simple, very basic, and very ‘old-school’. The beds were almost falling apart, everything is done by hand, there were cracks in the floor… But after I saw the first surgery I saw that those things weren’t really an issue – everything worked just fine. It was actually quite strange, because by the end of the day the hospital didn’t seem as simple and basic as when I arrived. Although it looked older and more primitive than what I was used to, none of those had any implications on the surgeries themselves.

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I saw about 6 surgeries in total – busy day! The surgeries I saw included:

  • Umbilical hernia repair
  • Thyroidectomy (removal of half a thyroid)
  • Appendicitis (removal of appendix)
  • Lumpectomy of a benign tumor  (Benign breast tumor removal)
  • Lumpectomy of a malignant tumor (malignant breast tumor removal)

It was a long day in the operating theaters, but very very interesting. I got to stand just up close to the patients, right next to the surgeon and he was very good at explaining the procedures. Surgery is definitely something that would interest me in the future, but first – get into med school, haha!

(The pictures below might be a little too much for some people – just beware…! 🙂 )


Here’s the thyroidectomy procedure! 


And here’s half a thyroid!! 

I’m very glad I’ve gotten the opportunity to do as much medical shadowing as I have done here in Grenada. It’s been a really great experience that I know will benefit me in the future.

The plan for my Thursday is:

  1. Meet 3 students who are traveling from the UK with the Jason Roberts Foundation. They have been involved in a project and were the final candidates who got to travel to Grenada and are going to help out at a special needs school.
  2. Beach Workout!
  3. Head over to the Children’s Home for a couple of hours
  4. 1 hour of yoga
  5. Meet up with friends! On Thursday there is a Salsa Night at one of the restaurants – we thought we would check it out 🙂

Busy and fun day ahead! I better get going 🙂

8 thoughts on “Living the Grey’s Anatomy life

  1. Hallo Anna kirurg😷i dag måtte engelsk ordboka fram og ord som surgeon og surgery måtte oversettes og jeg lært noen flere engelske ord😊Vi er klare for Gålå i morgen og vi blir der i påsken og vi håper på fine skiturer. Ser at du har yoga på planen din, jeg hadde en utrolig fin klassisk yogatime i går som var megabra. Asthanga og kundaliniyoga er to retninger jeg praktiserer, og jeg syntes det er helt toppers🙏Lev vel Anna!! Vi ønsker deg en riktig god påske sammen med familien din😊


    • Så gøy da! Man lærer jo noe nytt hver dag 🙂
      Jeg så noen herlig bilder fra Gålå – det så jo ut som perfekt påske vær! Må være deilig med lange skiturer og god hytte kos!
      Om du fortsetter med yoga i sommer hadde det vært gøy om vi kunne dratt sammen en dag der du går på trening! Jeg har syntes det har vært utrolig gøy å holde med på det her i Grenada!
      Takk for hyggelig melding som alltid og god påske til deg og Erik også! Nå er det 5 dager til familien kommer og jeg må si det kribler ganske mye i magen 🙂 Stor klem


  2. Grenada looks lovely, and I think it’s great that you got some shadowing done. It’s so important to get some experience before medical school so that you know what you’re in for when the going gets tough. Good luck, and have fun!


    • Thanks for leaving a comment 🙂
      Grenada is fantastic, I’m enjoying every minute of it! And yes – I’ve been very fortunate to be able to get as much medical experience as I’ve gotten. I feel I have a good idea now of what I’ve got to work for in the next years. Are you studying medicine yourself? xx


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