A Little Flashback


I have had an absolutely aaaamaaaazing weekend in Carriacou and visiting the Tobago Cays. I don’t really have any words to describe how beautiful it was, but 1,500 photos of beach and blue water might tell you how stunning we thought it was. It’s taking some time to go through all the pictures, but I will post them as soon as possible!

Here’s a little sneak peak 🙂

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In the mean time, I just wanted to share a quick flashback to last year with you!

During the weekend I was thinking of how incredibly lucky I feel to be experiencing all the things I am doing and to see all this beauty around me. Being able to lie on a beach with no stressful thoughts going through my head, nothing that has to be done by 8:00am Monday morning, it’s quite a big contrast to last year at school.

About one year ago, I was … BUSY! Final exams were coming up in May and I had one million things on my plate; assignment after assignment, essay after essay. My days started at 6:30 every morning, school was from 8:20 – 15:30, followed by volleyball to 18:00, a quick dinner and then studying from 19:30 to around midnight – every day, week after week! The weekends were always busy with school and to be honest, I’m not quite sure how I did it; it definitely feels like a long time ago right now.


This was usually me every evening for hours and hours … fun times! 


Study notes were my room decorations…

Last year in March, I also participated in the Global Issues Conference that my school organises every year. I wasn’t as active this year as I was the year before because of … school, but I felt very honoured to be asked to introduce the Duchess of Luxembourg.


Introducing Her Royal Highness


Her Royal Highness Marie Theresa speaking to an international audience of high school students from around the world


Getting a chance to speak with HRH after her speech! A great experience 🙂 

Later on that same week, I actually gave a presentation to a very large audience (600 people!!) when I received my Gold Award for my Duke of Edinburgh. The Prince and the father of the Grand Duke of Luxembourg were present, it was a little nerve-wracking but it was another great experience.



Cracking some jokes with Luxembourg Royalty as I receive my Gold Award 😉 

  March was also when we took our graduation photos!!


My favourites ❤


Missing these girls so much this year! 

As I was going through some old photos, I found a slightly older one as well that I thought you might enjoy, haha!

5gThere was a lot of hard work last year, but it eventually did pay off and I feel it was all very worth it as I am spending this year re-energizing and learning lessons that I couldn’t learn from textbooks 🙂

2 thoughts on “A Little Flashback

  1. Hei Anna! Fantastiske bilder. Livet du lever nå er kontrast til livet i 3.etasje ved pulten din. Men viktig alt sammen. Mye viktig kunnskap har du fått fra både bøkene du leste og livet du lever nå. Nyt dagene og livet! I morgen skal jentene og jeg på Strømstad spa. Skal bli deilig det. Erik skal kose seg med barnebarna. Klem til deg fra tante og onkel


    • Det er veldig sant – man setter ikke så stor pris på ting uten å ha jobbet hardt for det!
      Håper dere storkoste dere på Strømstad spa – hyggelig å gjøre sånne ting sammen i hverdagen 🙂
      Hils så mye til alle – Stor klem fra meg!


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