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Cool Israeli Gadget Solves The Problem Of Phone Stands In the Car
An Israeli couple has come up with a small solution to a big problem: mounting your phone in your car while driving. While many solutions exist, none are as elegant, simple and cool as Sticko, which surpassed its Kickstarter goal within a week.
November 13, 2013

GreenIQ Will Save You Half Of The Water You Use In Your Garden
In hot countries like Israel, if you don’t irrigate your garden you’ll quickly see it turn yellow. At the same time, water in scarce in the tiny country. That's why a new Israeli app uses real-time weather data to control your sprinklers.
September 25, 2013

Israeli Gaming Kickstarter Campaign Reaches $250,000 Goal Within 5 Hours
One thing many gamers are waiting for is a virtual reality experience that actually feels real. Israeli controller system Stem is a major step in that direction and has been given the ultimate "thumbs-up" by beating its quarter-million-dollar Kickstarter goal within five hours.
September 22, 2013

Facetune Will Touch Up Your Portrait Photos Automatically
Ever had a photo that was perfect in every way, except for that one blemish that ruined it? Well, Israeli Facetune has the solution for you, with its automatic photo-correction app.
April 22, 2013