
MedTech Hub Fostering Israeli Arabs’ ‘Underutilized’ Creativity
An Israeli medtech incubator has expanded its operations from central Israel to the north of the country, aiming to tap into an undervalued yet prominent community working in the country’s healthcare sector. While there is an exceptionally large representation of Israeli Arabs in the medical sector, few of them had previously been involved in innovation, […]
March 13, 2024

‘Virtual Stent’ Uses Sound Waves To Boost Leg Artery Blood Flow
People suffering from narrowed or semi-blocked arteries in their legs can find themselves in a vicious cycle – not doing any exercise because of the pain it entails, but finding that the lack of activity only exacerbates the condition. A newly developed implant that sits just under the skin on the leg is intended to […]
December 27, 2023

Monitoring Kidney Function With AI Sensor, One Drop At A Time
A new AI device can measure the production of urine by the kidneys, down to the last drop, offering what the makers say is a uniquely precise way of monitoring the health of an intensive care unit (ICU) patient who has a catheter fitted. Kidney function is crucial to a person’s health. The main job […]
December 11, 2023

Startup Helping You Get Heart Healthy By Measuring Your Sweat
Mechanical engineer Hemi Re’em has been an athlete since the age of six. He’s played basketball, swam regularly and competed in marathons, triathlons and even a Half Ironman. That’s why he was shocked to discover that he had serious heart blockages in three of his arteries. None of his routine tests signaled that something was […]
December 04, 2023

Israeli Hospitals Treating Burn Victims With Pineapple Protein
Israelis who suffered burn wounds when Hamas terrorists torched their houses as they hid inside during the October 7 attack in southern Israel are being treated with a therapy based on pineapple protein enzymes. NexoBrid gel, made by Israeli company MediWound, is a clinically proven treatment made using bromelain and other enzymes, which while present […]
November 30, 2023

Israel’s Biggest Hospital Harnesses Tech As Tool For Soldier Rehab
Israel’s largest hospital is harnessing new technology for the rehabilitation of soldiers wounded in the country’s ongoing war with Hamas in Gaza. Sheba Medical Center, located in the central city of Ramat Gan, has expanded its already extensive rehabilitation facility for this purpose – adding another 36 beds and this month even holding a demo […]
November 19, 2023

Israel’s Top Hospital Innovates To Treat War-Related Head Trauma
Faced with a growing number of head trauma cases due to the ongoing violence triggered by Hamas terrorism, medical professionals in Israel’s largest hospital are innovating – including with the use of artificial intelligence – to help treat its victims. Thousands of people were wounded when Hamas terrorists from Gaza infiltrated into Israel’s border communities […]
October 19, 2023

Scientists Grow Model Embryo In Lab, Without Egg Or Sperm
A model embryo grown in the lab and not the womb, using stem cells and not egg and sperm, could be the future of research into pregnancy and drug testing and even provide bespoke organ transplants, its creator says. What Prof. Jacob (Yaqub) Hanna of the Weizmann Institute of Science and his team have created […]
September 13, 2023

Insulin-Based Drug Gives Preemies A Fighting Chance
An Israeli company has produced an insulin-based therapy that strengthens the digestive system of babies born prematurely, helping to stop them from developing life-threatening complications. And for these babies, every day of proper development is crucial. Elgan Pharma says that the preemies who were given its unique therapy reached the ability to absorb all the […]
September 12, 2023

Stem Cells Jab Could Be Key To Defeating Radiation Poisoning
An Israeli startup is working on an injection that could both prevent and treat acute radiation poisoning at nuclear disaster sites, using stem cells from placenta donated by women after giving birth. Israeli biopharma company Pluri, which is developing the jab, says it could potentially be administered to first responders following a nuclear meltdown, mitigating […]
September 03, 2023

Robot Monitors Dialysis Patients For Signs Of Serious Side Effect
For people living with advanced kidney failure, hemodialysis treatment can be a lifeline to a normal existence. A MedTech company in Israel has created a contactless, robotic device to ensure that the hemodialysis process runs as smoothly as possible – without a very common side effect that can disrupt treatment and threaten the health of […]
August 31, 2023

‘GPS For Drugs’ Delivers Treatment Direct To Bone Marrow Cancer
Israeli researchers have devised a new way of treating cancerous cells in bone marrow – for the first time taking the therapy directly to the cancer inside the soft, fatty tissue contained within our bones. This revolutionary method involves surrounding RNA, a molecule containing instructions for cellular behavior, with targeted lipid nanoparticles that send the […]
August 17, 2023

New Protein-Based Cancer Drug Does Not Affect Healthy Cells
An Israeli startup is developing a new protein-based cancer treatment that it says has the potential to address one of the most important oncology targets. ExoProTher says its therapy solely affects the mutated cells that form tumors, and, unlike other treatments, does not affect healthy cells. Now being tested in the preclinical stage, the drug uses […]
August 08, 2023

AI Platform Helps Diagnose Chest Pain Swiftly And Accurately
Chest pain is a common problem with dozens of causes that range from harmless bruised muscles from coughing to potentially fatal pulmonary embolisms. But for the person involved, the experience can be a frightening one – even when the cause turns out to be relatively minor. Now an Israeli startup has developed an AI-based platform […]
August 03, 2023

Protein-Busting Drug Could be New Era For Alzheimer’s Therapy
Israeli scientists have developed a new drug to treat Alzheimer’s disease following a recent discovery about how people lose their memories. The creators of the drug, which is currently undergoing preclinical trials, say it could potentially be life-changing for people living with Alzheimer’s. The disease – the most common type of dementia, which affected up […]
August 01, 2023