By Ruthie Edelstein

Resilient And Nutritious New Plant-Based Milk Aims To Make A Splash
Israeli startup Better Pulse is harnessing the power of the cowpea, becoming the first company to use it as an entirely new dairy milk alternative. Technically a bean and also known as the black-eyed pea, cowpea has a strong spiritual symbolism in many cultures. For people from West Africa, it is a traditional symbol of […]
September 05, 2024

Startup Sees Potential Of Papaya To Treat Cystic Fibrosis In Kids
A hunch by a respected Israeli biochemist about a molecule found in papaya has opened the door to revolutionize the treatment for metabolic and respiratory disorders, including cystic fibrosis (CF) in children. Inspired by the hunch, Israeli biotech startup ODE Pharma was founded with the mission of developing safe and cost-effective treatments for children suffering […]
August 27, 2024

AI Platform Watches Crops 24/7 To Prevent A Fertilizer Overdose
Just like the plants in our homes, which more often than not meet their demise due to too much water, agricultural crops face a greater risk of being given too much nutrition rather than too little. When a plant is over fertilized, whatever nutrients it doesn’t need are funneled down into the soil and water, […]
August 11, 2024

Real Chicken From Lab, Without Bird, Mass Farming Or Health Risks
Chicken has long been viewed as a healthier and more economical meat option and its popularity continues to rise. In 1993, chicken overtook beef consumption per person in the United States alone. In fact, 27.5 billion pounds of beef is produced annually, compared to 43.4 billion pounds of farmed chicken, the United States Department of […]
August 04, 2024

FemTech Firm Uses AI To Treat Painful, Incurable Endometriosis
Israeli femtech company EndoCure is on a mission to change the way that we diagnose and treat endometriosis, a chronic disease affecting women that causes severe pain and affects fertility, and which is responsible for a range of other debilitating issues. Endometriosis is a chronic condition in which tissue similar to the lining of the […]
July 28, 2024

Startup Fights Superbugs, Antibiotic Resistance With Rapid Testing
There’s a common situation that occurs during a doctor’s visit. The patient comes in with an ailment, perhaps it’s a cough, a congested chest or ear ache. The doctor raises possibilities of what could be causing the sickness – pneumonia, strep throat, an ear infection and so on. Chests are listened to, ears are examined, […]
July 21, 2024

AI Platform Stops Violence Against The Vulnerable Before It Begins
British poet William Blake once mused that ‘hindsight is a wonderful thing, but foresight is better.’ And Israeli startup EyeKnow AI is making foresight possible for the most vulnerable in society, with a prevention-focused safety platform that uses artificial intelligence to predict hazardous and violent incidents such as falls, slips and physical violence, in hospitals […]
June 27, 2024

Cracking The Code Of Creating A Better Egg – Without The Chicken
“Eggs are natural and economical, so keep enough on hand,” a smiling man cheerfully explains in a 1978 commercial sponsored by the American Egg Board. “Eggs are a natural wonder, for meals, snacks, appetizers, whatever,” he goes on to claim, backed by upbeat music. The advert ends with a tagline well known to Americans: “The […]
June 19, 2024

Penetrating Brain’s Natural Barrier To Deliver Life-Saving Drugs
More than 400 million people in the world suffer from brain diseases that cannot be treated with modern drugs (biological therapies such as antibodies) because of one major obstacle: a barrier to the brain. For the average healthy person, the blood-brain barrier (BBB), an extra layer found on blood vessels in the brain, is what […]
May 30, 2024